Bees Evoke Sacred Gifts of Awe and Wonder
A Midwest July brings us a variety of lovely wildflowers with great names: black-eyed Susan, butterfly milkweed, compass plant, prairie...
Leaving Home
June is the month when many young animals leave their “homes” and move out into the broader Earth community. Fledgling birds leave their...
Communing with the Universal Soul
Birdsong brings relief to my longing. I'm just as ecstatic as they are, but with nothing to say! Please, universal soul, practice some...
Bloom Where You May Not Have Been Planted!
April is the lovely month when native wildflowers and trees start blooming, often where they were not planted since they are NATIVES! ...
What Does March Sound Like?
This wonderful month invites us outdoors to listen as nature awakens. On sunny days we hear cardinals again after a winter of silence...
February, Eagles, and Death Cleaning
In our area, February is one of the months we enjoy bald eagles as they travel the Mississippi flyway looking for food. Although there is...
Discover January
Let these words from Mary Oliver's book Upstream inspire you as you embrace the bare bones of January’s energy which invites us to be...
Birds in Abundance
Birds are special messengers for those striving to deepen Earth spirituality. They remind us that we are free, that the heavens and the...
Goldenrod Everywhere!
In our Great Rivers ecoregion we are seeing goldenrod all over the place, bringing to mind Mary Oliver’s poem Goldenrod which honors this...
September's Migration Energy
This month we align our energies with the marvelous monarch seen in this picture taken in La Vista’s pollinator garden where the monarch...