March and Irretrievable Beauty
As I was reading through the notes on the Missouri Natural Events calendar for March and wondering what I have to look forward to, I let...
February and Radical Relationality
For many people February is a month to just tolerate. I hear comments like this - the holidays are over, and there are no festivities to...
January on the Brink
I usually experience New Year’s Eve as a moment of being on the brink when I remove the previous year’s Natural Events Calendar and hang...
December, Advent, and Lunar Spirituality
Advent’s traditional theme of waiting seems to have started early in 2020. Here we are in December, and we continue to wait for violence...
November and Non-attachment
Looking into my backyard I realize how much letting go happens in November: chipmunks have moved to underground dens, letting go of their...
October and Giving Your Gold Away
Looking across my back yard into the bird sanctuary during fall brings to mind Mary Oliver’s delightful poem Goldenrod. She describes...
September Sky and Deepening Interiority
For many years during the first day of our Earth Literacy program participants would be invited to choose a natural subject outdoors and...
August and the Relocation of Energy
During August I watch vegetable and flower gardens lose their luster and fruitfulness. Brown, spent stems and leaves slowly replace the...
July, Aphelion, and Independence Day
Aphelion is the point in the orbit of a planet when it is farthest from our amazing daystar, the Sun. It just so happens that Earth...
June and Ecological Hope
June marks the beginning of the summer season which is good news; the bad news is that it is also mowing season. As I look out the front...