September - Hornets and Communal Contemplation
Having an appreciation for the beauty of animal architecture, I was excited to learn there was active hornet’s nest at La Vista. When I...

August - Mushrooms and Creative Potential
Spring and summer have been unusually wet and cool here in the Midwest. What this aspect of climate change has currently meant for the...

July, Backyard Holes and the Mystery of Matter
One morning I watched Groundhog lumber along the back fence, and I was curious to learn the destination when suddenly Groundhog...

June – Be Here Now
“ ‘Be here now’ is the fundamental discipline of all traditions and, of course, it is the most difficult of all.” – Elaine Prevallet, SL...

May, Wildness, and Profound Mystery
May is abundant in breathtaking wildlife at La Vista. For example, visitors may spot a deer fawn hidden by her mother in the grass – or...

April and Taking Pleasure in Little Things
At the conclusion of March’s reflection, I asked the question Gnat asks Alice in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass: What sort of ...

March and Irretrievable Beauty
As I was reading through the notes on the Missouri Natural Events calendar for March and wondering what I have to look forward to, I let...

February and Radical Relationality
For many people February is a month to just tolerate. I hear comments like this - the holidays are over, and there are no festivities to...

January on the Brink
I usually experience New Year’s Eve as a moment of being on the brink when I remove the previous year’s Natural Events Calendar and hang...

December, Advent, and Lunar Spirituality
Advent’s traditional theme of waiting seems to have started early in 2020. Here we are in December, and we continue to wait for violence...