May's Mystical Music
Recently I decided to learn a language during this solitary time, and since May exudes an abundance of birdsong, the language of birds...
April, Wombs, and Tombs
Lovely April! I delight in watching remarkable flowers growing from bulbs, poking out of the soil, delighting me with their beauty -...
March and Ecological Humility
Some say the season of spring begins with sound, and I surely have found this to be true. For fifteen springs I have driven down Levis...
February, Branching, and Deep Engagement
Everywhere I look this month I see that beautiful branching pattern. Out my window I observe the oak tree with its trunk, boughs,...
Lovin' Lichen in January
I recently moved residences, and now during my morning spiritual practice I find myself looking out at an old red oak tree adjacent to a...
December Celebrates
One year I chose to make my annual retreat during December, and someone commented that this was a poor choice as I would be missing the...
November, Wildness, and Mystery
“The wildness of the Mystery of God cannot be contained.” This quote from John Philip Newell’s The Book of Creation strongly captured my...
October, Timber Rattlesnakes, and Ecological Impoverishment
Here in the Midwest, October marks the time when timber rattlesnakes enter hibernation until the weather warms. I usually include a...
September Shift and Sacred Communion
For many birds September’s seasonal changes mean work, especially migrators who commit to fattening up for flights of thousands of miles!...
August’s Colorful “Fashion” and Simple Living
Photo: Lothar Bodingbauer, Unsplash Nature’s fashion turns to berries in August. Sumac fruits ripen to crimson. Wild black cherries...