October - Giving One’s Gold Away
During fall the pollinator garden at La Vista brings to mind Mary Oliver’s delightful poem “Goldenrod”. She describes these ubiquitous...
September - Sacred Balance
When I observe sunsets, especially from the Crow’s Nest at La Vista, I am drawn into what Thomas Berry calls the great cosmic liturgy of...
August - Lavish Earth, Living Earth
It was toward the end of June, and I had just come home from the Urban Farm Tour which showcased unique farms in the city of Alton and...
July - Biophony and Mindful Listening
Early in June as I sat on the porch in the morning listening very carefully to the outdoor bird symphony, I heard an unusual sound,...
June - Restoring the Forest and Ourselves
RESTOR is a global restoration movement with an inspiring mission: “accelerating the conservation and restoration of nature for the...
May - Moss and Biomimicry
May - Moss and Biomimicry Recently I participated in a Biomimicry Retreat sponsored by Sisters of Earth. Our presenter Sister Gloria...
April - Glorious Spring!
When I turned the Natural Events Calendar to April, I was presented with a lovely photo of Greer Spring with a dogwood blooming on its...
March - Benign Presence
Since September La Vista has sponsored an online book discussion of Thomas Berry: Selected Writings on the Earth Community, and our...
Binding the Universe Together in February
This month marks the beginning of the breeding season for many animals here in the Midwest: woodchucks emerge from hibernationand breed...
What Will You Be Shedding?
Naturalists tell us that during the mating season bucks relied on their antlers to show dominance over other bucks and as weapons in...