January - A Transformative Turning
The turning of the calendar on January one to usher in a new year is a human construction; whereas, the winter solstice on December 21 marked a real turning. The winter solstice reminds us that we are embedded in the universe which not only holds the turning of Earth around the sun, but also our whole solar system whirling around the center of the Milky Way and our Galaxy itself spinning through the infinity of space. All is part of the one great turning within our sacred universe.
As usual on the solstice, we gathered at La Vista to welcome winter and to align ourselves with the change of season. We began by viewing a You Tube of The Shortest Day, a beautifully illustrated and gently read children's book that connected us with ancient peoples' feelings about the solstice. Next, we were touched as we listened to "Solstice Song" by Jan Garrett. One stanza of the lyrics poses these poignant questions:
What does the future hold in store"
Where has our journey brought us?
How can we learn from what's gone before?
What has experience taught us?
The questions ignited a rich and heartfelt sharing as each one lit a candle, placed it on the Earth spiral, and expressed a hope for the coming year which is shrouded in mystery.
Our conversation continued as we pondered the reality that we are part of another turning. Joanna Macy calls this the Great Turning; moving from an industrial growth society to a life-sustaining one. She describes this as "a crucial societal shift, calling humanity to make a necessary transition to a new way of living that honors the planet and its interconnectedness". This task not only seems enormous; it is. However, more lyrics from the Solstice Song encouraged us:
Friendship will light the darkest hours,
True love will hold the vision.
Peace and goodwill on earth is ours,
Let it be our decision.
This stanza reminded us of all we had just expressed, helping us to realize that we hold the power to help shape our destiny and nurture the harmony that binds us all. We concluded our celebration by sharing cookies, hot chocolate, and the kind of friendship that is able to nurture us into the future.
May friendship and love guide your way, may peace and goodwill on Earth be realized through your decisions, and may you have a transformative new year!